What To Put In Your Bag:

Hey guys, Merzy here! Recently I bought this huge, gorgeous bag for college and every-day outfits to spice it up a bit! Now if you'...

Hey guys, Merzy here! Recently I bought this huge, gorgeous bag for college and every-day outfits to spice it up a bit! Now if you're like me, this is your first time owning a big bag and are used to cross-body ones that only have what you need at that moment. Because of this, you don't have a lot to put in said bag. Now, the question is... what exactly do you put in it?

The answer to that is... everything. Okay, not everything but very close to it! Put in it everything you feel you might need in an every day basis! No more putting in stuff and then taking it out! It's just so convinient, isn't it?! lol! 

Anyway, here's some ideas to what you can carry in your daily bag, but remember you can add anything you want!~

  • Wallet (duh)
  • Keys (duh)
  • Phone (duh)
  • Lipstick, Chapsticks & other mini makeup stuff
  • Compact mirror (you have no idea how hard it was to find one! Thankfully, I did in wallgreens for $1.99)
  • A bag to put all those things in (Again, at wallgreens for 99 cents!)
  • Favorite pack of gum
  • Mini notebook or journal (perfect for when you get an idea at random and want to write it down instead of typing it! - Marchall's for $4.99)
  • Hair Brush
  • Hand sanitizers and/or Hand cream/lotion (the bath & body works mini ones are PERFECT)
  • Pens/Pencils/Markers
  • Some advill/panadol packets
  • A few pads or tampons
  • Headphones
  • Sunglasses
  • Hair bands/acessories

And that's it! What's in YOUR bag right now? And what do you guys think of my new layout?! Love it or hate it? Tell me down in the comments.

Sorry, this post was so short, guys! I'm planning a big one soon so keep a look out for that! Sign up for my newsletter or follow me on bloglovin'~ Thanks for reading! See you soon!

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